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Fuel consumption doomsday is approaching nearly 4 into the c

  Since November 1st, average fuel economy standards will become the car enterprises hanging head Damour Damocles sword.

  In October 16th, the Ministry of industry, development and Reform Commission and other five ministries jointly issued a "strengthening the average fuel consumption ofpassenger vehicle enterprises quantity managementnotice" (hereinafter referred to as the "notice"), urged theaverage fuel consumption of domestic passenger vehicle enterprises realize fell in 2015 to 100 kilometers 6.9L/target. For is not up to the standard enterprise, "notice"also launched a punitive measures five efforts of thehitherto unknown.

  In the notification issued before, the Ministry also issued the "about the year 2013 the average fuel consumption ofpassenger cars China enterprise accounting situation" in the announcement, 111 passenger car enterprises, 40 enterprises have failed to achieve average fuel economytarget, accounted for 36%.

  On one side is the average fuel economy standards more of the more tight, one side is a large number of enterprises has not yet been achieved the goal. Under pressure, auto enterprises will face great cost test, andwill take measures?

  The final exam is approaching

  A paper "notice" the implementation of fuel economy standards began to implement the deadline, but this time point from the previous speculation ahead of January 1, 2015 to November 1, 2014.

  The implementation date for "advance" argument, the NDRC industry coordination department director Wu Wei not agree. Wu Wei told the "China Times" reporter: "100 kilometers 6.9L/ standard ought to be executed, but hadno specific standards, does not have the feasibility of implementation, and therefore was dragged."

  "Notice" hand made clear the specific time of implementation, on the other hand, has been clear about the punishment measures.

  According to the "notice" of the relevant content on the average fuel consumption, average amount of fuel is not up to the standard and the statistics of new energypassenger vehicle enterprises after the consumption of more than 100 kilometers 6.9L/ passenger car enterprises will be to conduct a public briefing; for a year the average fuel consumption is not up to the standard passenger car business, will suspend the acceptance of integrated operating condition of fuel consumption is not the standard of new products "vehicle production enterprisesand product announcement" declaration. For the average fuel consumption is not up to the standard, not to perform the compliance commitment passenger car business, will strengthen the supervision of customs clearance in theimport inspection, audit, production consistency checketc..

  In addition, the level of fuel consumption will also and enterprise capacity expansion project approval hook. Newpassenger car production enterprises and existingautomobile production enterprises cross class produce passenger cars, passenger car production capacityexpansion of investment projects, the average fuelconsumption plan shall be submitted to the enterprise,can not reach the standard required for plan adjustment.For the last year the average fuel consumption is not up to the standard of the enterprise, will not for its expansionplan approval.

  "Notice" to the punishment measures appear to be strict,but "after investigation, the vast majority of enterprisesare supported". The Ministry of industry equipment department director She Weizhen said, "for non-compliance of the enterprise, will suspend the acceptance of integrated operating condition of fuel consumption is not up to the standard of new products; and the target enterprises can still declare new products." Wu Wei also said that the policy of "binding, a standard will have thepunishment, reward to make better policies implemented."Guangzhou Research Institute of new energy center ofthe relevant person in charge, "for the four phase of fuel consumption, to make the new energy vehiclescounterparts are applauded by. If the policy is not supported, who first put who suffer; but the policy support,who first put into who benefits."

  Notable is, the "notice" put forward, the same Automotive Group Corporation has a plurality of independent legal person of passenger car production enterprises, and can be used as a unified accounting subject accountingaverage fuel consumption of passenger vehicle enterprises. That is to say, the large automobile group subordinate among different brands of joint ventures andthe independent brand is expected to share energy-saving models bring fuel consumption mean dividend.

  The alarm has been sounded

  But for a considerable part of the enterprise, the fuel consumption limits will force them to make some changes.

  Released in September this year has the letter "on the2013 annual average fuel consumption of passenger vehicles in China enterprise accounting situation ofnotice" shows that the 111 passenger car companies in 40 did not reach the standard. Among them, 85 domesticpassenger car production enterprises in 27 did not reach,including FAW, auto and other enterprises; and 26 imported passenger vehicle enterprises half did not reach,including the Chrysler (China), general (China), Nissan(China), Honda (China), Reynolds (Beijing) 13 importedcar business. And in the five ministries issued the "Circular" on the same day, new Shengda modern automobile because of excessive exhaust emissions, and by Beijing City Environmental Protection Bureau seized up to tens of millions of dollars of income, become the first enterprise for automobile exhaust problem sufferedpunishment.

  From a quantitative point of view, in 2013 the average fuelconsumption is not standard enterprises accounted for36%. However, it seems that in the Ministry of industry and the national development and Reform Commissionrelevant personage, this data does not seem to be able toprove that the average fuel economy standards set too high.

  "In the average fuel economy published in September 2013 in the enterprise, unqualified enterprises in quantity while more, but the total output of these enterprises accounted for only 5%." She Weizhen said, from the production point of view the proportion is very small.

  "Enterprise is not the actual fuel consumption is not up to the standard requirements of national policy to implement the production and operation of enterprises to." Wu Weiye does not think that fuel economy standards up enterprises will have difficulty. "Enterprise is not a lack of capacity, lack is willing. 6.9L/ 100 km of standard is not high, the majority of enterprises can achieve, at present, the biggest difficulty is probably the enterprise is not willing to perform, because it involves the profits of enterprises, enterprises are more willing to more profitable production sales models." Wu Wei said, if the enterprise take the initiative to adjust the product structure, to achieve fuel economy standards most enterprises does not exist problems.

  It is worth noting that, according to the fourth stage of standard passenger car, car enterprises face in addition to 2015 100 kilometers 6.9L/ target, and the 2020 5.0L/ 100 km average fuel consumption target. "2015 to the average fuel economy standard of 2020 will be in accordance with a step every year, gradually diminishing." She Weizhen said, "considering the transformation of the production line requires a certain cycle, so in 2016 2017, the standard is very easy. But I'm worried about, the follow-up will be great pressure."

  "100 kilometers 5.0L/ target is a challenge, should now be no enterprises dare say no problem." SAIC Group related responsible person told reporters bluntly. Facing enterprises, is undoubtedly bring the adjustment of product structure cost pressure.

  Looking forward to the broken bureau

  In order to implement more stringent 2020 5.0L/ 100 km, the average fuel consumption targets, the development of new energy and hybrid technology has become the most enterprises choose.

  "The fourth phase of fuel consumption regulations for the development of hybrid vehicles to promote." FAW hybrid relevant responsible person said: "if to reduce fuel consumption of the target, the need for the development of new technology, including both traditional automobile technology, including the new energy vehicle technology." The above-mentioned sources.

  "Before 2018, even without using hybrid technology and new energy technology, Changan can still support the enterprise average fuel consumption. And in 2018 and 2020, we must rely on new energy technologies, including on the hybrid will more rely on." Changan new energy automobile general manager Ren Yong said, "but the new energy cost is relatively high, the cost of doing down is very difficult, because at present the quantity is very few."

  And similar to Changan and Geely automobile. Through calculation, Geely rely on the upgrading of technology to achieve 6.0L/ 100 km fuel conventional cars can, but want to achieve 100 kilometers 5.0L/ standards, can only rely on the power, and the production scale of at least 120000 vehicles a year PHEV (hybrid electric vehicle) or 200000 HEV vehicles (HEV). This is obviously not a small challenge.

  For new energy automobile market in the future can achieve adequate support consumption index scale, Ren Yong told reporters, "we must resolutely to believe, believe will achieve is possible." However, Ren Yong also believe that the current car ownership, the traditional car still occupy a considerable proportion, therefore, must attach great importance to energy saving technology application in conventional cars. "In order to realize the goal of 100 km fuel consumption 5.0L/, on one hand enterprises need to invest a lot of R & D costs, a large number of applications on the other hand, energy-saving technology will increase the cost of single vehicle." Ren Yong told the "China Times" reporter the interview said "may even need to replace the entire production line, the cost is huge."

  If the average fuel economy standards really be strictly enforced, auto enterprises will no doubt need to make proper planning costs and product planning in the next step of the. But Jing Jin electric company CEO, the national Cai Yu thousand person plan experts very aptly: "in China, the average fuel consumption is planning in the United States, the average fuel consumption is regulations. That is to say, planning may not achieve them, are enforceable regulations." In view of this, the execution still average fuel economy standard has much strength that.

  In any case, reduce the oil consumption and reducing emission will be the car industry development trend, in which enterprises, still should actively respond.

Copyright@ Yixing City Kam Tai Refractories Co.,ltd
Address:China Jiangsu Dingshu town Yixing City V East