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The f 31 model of the current Liaoning ship carrier aircraft

  Full size China 31 f model stealth fighter has been boarded China carrier deck, China often by making the 1:1 model way to start new weapons and equipment demonstration. Military expert Cao Weidong told Beijing television interview, said, the introduction of four generation machine will greatly enhance the China carrier aircraft combat capability, the future, electromagnetic launcher for aircraft carrier will be the direction of development of China carrier.

  The four generation machine has two prominent characteristics: supersonic cruise and excellent motor performance, in the sea battle, the four generation of machine equipment the army combat ability will be greatly improved. J -31 is China's domestic fourth generation stealth fighter, according to experts, the machine is likely to be the development of Shipborne fighter. The future of our army equipment fourth generation fighters, carrier aircraft will increase significantly in the stealth, supersonic cruise performance, maneuverability and rearming in complexity, "this will greatly enhance our aircraft carrier combat capability, enhance the ability of China's aircraft carrier battle for control of air and sea power." Cao Weidong said.

  In addition, the take-off technique of carrier based aircraft is always one of the core technology of the aircraft carrier, at present the carrier based aircraft ski jump takeoff ways mainly have two kinds and ejection. Ski jump take-off technology is simple, cost is low, but the aircraft took off when not loaded with fuel and covered with ammunition, directly affect the activity of radius and the operational capability of Shipborne machine; ejection take-off technology is more complex, but the aircraft can take off with full load, is conducive to play the effectiveness of aircraft operations, in today's world is only the United States had aircraft catapult take-off technology maturity.

  According to the military expert Yin Zhuo introduction, the same tonnage aircraft carrier catapult off the aircraft carrier combat capability than the ski jump take-off aircraft carriers are three to four times. Cao Weidong said that in the flight deck of the same length, ejection can take off 30 tons of aircraft, and ski jump may supply 20 tons of aircraft take-off. In addition, ski jump type cannot for wing AWACS off its combat capability and the ability of discovering target will have a great influence.

  The United States now develop carrier electromagnetic catapult, can regulate the power size and control the ejection dynamics, "so can catapult UAV, UAV, heavy, light and other aircraft, this is also China's aircraft carrier in the direction of future development." Cao Weidong said.

Copyright@ Yixing City Kam Tai Refractories Co.,ltd
Address:China Jiangsu Dingshu town Yixing City V East