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21 signatories to build Asia investment banking legal capita

  Chinese and other 20 countries signed in Beijing on 24, decided to set up the Asian infrastructure investment bank (referred to as the Asian investment banking), marking the preparation work of the new Asian regional multilateral development agencies this China initiative set up will enter a new stage.

  The Associated Press reported, 21 countries signed the "memorandum" preparatory sub banks, the signing countries including country, India this area of Singapore and the rich countries like Qatar, and Laos that less developed countries. Chinese President Xi Jinping said after the signing ceremony, "want rich, first road", Asian banks should accelerate the promotion of regional infrastructure interconnection, promote regional economic cooperation, give new impetus to the economic development of asia.

  Reuters reported, Asia investment banking legal capital of $100000000000, will be headquartered in Beijing. Singapore's finance minister Shandaman said the nations hope that by the middle of 2015 to finalize the Asian investment bank the terms of the agreement, so that it can be carried out as soon as possible loan.

  Jiang Ruiping, vice president of China Foreign Affairs University 24 to the "Global Times" reporter said, Asian banks such a large institution could need to experience a process of consultation is more long, but it smoothly in a relatively short period of time, suggesting that this mechanism conforming to the potential area of infrastructure demand.

  Japan, South Korea and Australia signed the memorandum did not participate in the. The AAP says 24 days, the United States has been warned to "Beware the bank", Secretary of state Kerrey had personally asked not to participate in the Australian Prime Minister Abbott. The United States considered sub investment behavior in the world bank and the Asian Development Bank's rivals, worried that it was China's use of the strategic. South Korea initially expressed support, but the recent change of position. According to Japan's Kyodo news, Japan's finance minister Taro Aso says 24 days, do not know the sub investment "whether to have the loan review capacity", to undertake the perfect for emerging market countries and other infrastructure loans business ability questioned. Japan and the United States is the biggest shareholder in the Asian Development Bank, the Japanese served as the governor of the Bank of the largest number of.

  Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying 24, said that China advocates the establishment of Asia investment banking is a kind of to promote Asian solidarity and cooperation in the region by taking on more responsibility win-win move. Asian banks will be an open and tolerant mechanism, will not replace the existing multilateral development banks, but complement each other with them, to strengthen cooperation. Said Jiang Ruiping, Asia investment banking is the establishment of China's leading force in the area of footnotes, and is the reason that Member States recognized the leading, closely related to China's growing financial strength and the level of investment. Some countries questioned the Asian investment bank and the Asian Development Bank, the world bank exists overlapping functionality in the same area, but looked from the practice, the latter two services provided does not meet the region infrastructure development needs.

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Address:China Jiangsu Dingshu town Yixing City V East