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Xi Jinping eighteen CPC fourth plenary session decided to in

  To seek the CPC Central Committee on promoting the comprehensive governing certain major issue decisionaccording to law opinion

  The CPC Central Committee held a symposium non party personage

  Xi Jinping hosted and delivered an important speech

  Zhang Dejiang Yu Zhengsheng Wang Qishan attended

  Xinhuanet.com Beijing on 24 October, the CPC Central Committee held in August 19th in Zhongnanhai will havetalks with Democratic Party members, decided to the CPC Central Committee on the comprehensive promotion ofseveral major issues of governing the country according to law to listen to all the democratic parties, the all China Federation of industry leaders and central independentscomments and suggestions. The CPC Central Committee General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the meeting and delivered an important speech.

  The Political Bureau of Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Wang Qishan attended the forum.

  At the forum, the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang chairman Wan Exiang, chairman of the NLD Central Committee Zhang Baowen, chairman Chen Changzhi CDNCA central, Central Association chairmanYan Junqi, Chinese central chairman Chen Zhu, China Zhi Gong Party Central Committee Chairman Wan Gang, nine three central institute Chairman Han Qide, vice chairman of the Central Committee of the TSL Huang Zhi Xian, the National Association of industry and Commerce Chairman Wang Qinmin, independents Guo Lei spoke. They agree with the decision of the CPC Central Committee on promoting a number of major issues of governing the country according to law, and ensure the implement of constitution is to uphold the authority of the constitution,legislation, perfect system, improve the quality of legislation, adhere to administration according to law,standardizing law enforcement behavior, to deepen the reform of the judiciary, safeguard social fairness and justice, rule of law, strengthen supervision and promote honest legal system construction, strengthen the market rule construction, the innovation of social management system, improve the legal system, the introduction of high-level talent perfect lawyer system, play in the legislation and the democratic supervision of democratic parties inthe aspects of the role to put forward opinions and suggestions.

  After carefully listening to the speeches, Xi Jinping made an important speech. He said, we put forward a lot oftargeted and good ideas, operational good advice, very helpful for drafting documents, we will carefully study theabsorption.

  Xi Jinping stressed, comprehensively promote the rule of law is the important content to carry out the spirit of the eighteen and eighteen at the third plenary session, is the successful completion of the objectives and tasks, build comparatively well-off society in the round, speed up socialist modernization and the important guarantee.Comprehensively promote the rule of law is a series of important problems we face in development, liberation andenhance social vitality, promote social equity and justice,maintain social harmony and stability and ensure thefundamental requirements of the stability of the country.To maintain China's economic and social long-termsustained and healthy development momentum, and constantly open up the development prospects of socialism with Chinese characteristics is more vast, it must be closely integrated comprehensive reform work deployment, tamp the foundation of the rule of law the party and national long-term stability. Since the reform and opening up, our party has always attached great importance to the construction of rule of law, the rule of law with the Chinese Communist Party's own construction,the primacy of the people are the masters of a road in the political construction is emphasized. Eighteen CPC puts forward, the rule of law is the basic way of governing, tospeed up the building of a socialist country under the rule of law, comprehensively promote the rule of law. The Communist Party of China eighteen big since, the CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to the rule of law issues. The Third Plenary Session of the eighteenCPC to promote the rule of law put forward new and higher requirements. The comprehensive implementation of these arrangements and requirements of the development of socialist democratic politics is significant,long-term development of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  Xi Jinping introduced the eighteen session of the fourth plenary session decided the drafting process, emphasizedecided to implement the spirit of the eighteen draft andthe Third Plenary Session of the eighteen, grasp thecomprehensive well-off society, comprehensively deepen the reform and open policy, comprehensively promote the rule of law that "three comprehensive" logical linked;around the Chinese characteristics reflect the overall layout of the socialist cause, promoting reform and development each field of the urgent need to improve the level of the rule of law; reflect the basic pattern of our country law work, make the work of the deployment from the legislation, law enforcement, judicial, law four aspects;facing the outstanding problems of law field, response to people's urgent expectation, proposes to comprehensively promote the rule of law reform measures has important significance.

  Xi Jinping pointed out, we are faced with the task of reform development and stability of heavy hitherto unknown,contradiction of risks and challenges many hitherto unknown, the rule of law status is more prominent, moreimportant role. We must not to move or retreat to implement the basic strategy of ruling the country by law and ruling by law the basic way not to move or retreat,leading the people in building a socialist country ruled by law. The completion of a comprehensive well-off society,deepening the reform, all cannot do withoutcomprehensively promote the rule of law. To take stick tothe leadership of the Communist Party of Chinese, not to move or retreat to walk China characteristic socialist law road, not to move or retreat to advance reform, adhere to the rule of law, administration according to law,administration according to law to jointly promote theconstruction of rule of law, adhere to the development ofthe country, the government under the rule of law, rule of law society, speed up the construction of the legal system of socialism China characteristics, building a socialist country ruled by law.

  Xi Jinping stressed, agglomeration, the United Front talentintelligence intensive, contact a wide range of experts and scholars, have high levels of many legal aspects ofmembers, some directly engaged in legislation, law enforcement, judicial and legal supervision. I hope everyone around the practical problem, concerned about the major problems in administering the country according to law and the people generally and comprehensively push forward the hot issues in-depth research, timely put forward constructive and workable ideas and suggestionsto the CPC Central committee. Hope everybody deepen tocomprehensively promote the rule of law awareness of the importance and necessity, takes the lead to abide by the Constitution and the law, led the majority of members to become faithful admirer of the rule of law, consciously abide by, a staunch defender. I hope you are good at using the legal thinking and the rule of law approach to problems, to judge and measure to the rule of law,condensed reform consensus, standardize the development of behavior and promote conflict resolution and safeguard social harmony, to deepen reform, the realization of the "two one hundred year" goal of the cohesion of the people, gathering strength.

  Wang Huning, Xu Qiliang, Li Jianguo, Wang Yang, Meng Jianzhu, Li Zhanshu, Du Qinglin, Guo Shengkun, Zhou Qiang, Cao Jianming, Ling Jihua, relevant departments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council,attended the forum.

  To attend the symposium non party personage and Luo Fuhe, Qi Xuchun, Chen Xiaoguang, Ma Peihua, Liu Xiaofeng and Jiang Zuojun, Shao Hong, Xie Jingrong,Peng Xuefeng etc..

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Address:China Jiangsu Dingshu town Yixing City V East