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The UN Human Rights Commission asked Hongkong to provide inf

  Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying 24, held a regular press conference reporters.

  Q: according to reports, the UN Human RightsCommission 23 requirements of the Hongkong SAR Government on the Hongkong political reform anduniversal suffrage question whether accord with"International Covenant on Civil and political rights" furtherinformation. How do you comment?

  Answer: since the return of Hongkong, the basic rights and freedoms of the residents according to the fundamental law of fully guarantee. China central government not to move or retreat to support Hongkong in accordance with the basic law and other relevant laws ofHongkong, develop gradually in line with the actual situation of the local democratic political system. The relevant provisions of the NPC Standing Committeedecided China begin August 31st chief executive beelected by universal suffrage in 2017. The decision is based on the provisions of the basic law, make based onfully listen to the views of all sectors of society onHongkong, with Hongkong actual situation, is the chief executive of the Hongkong SAR government to implement the constitutional basis of universal suffrage, has an unshakable legal status and legal effect.

  China is not the "International Covenant on Civil and political rights" of the contracting states. According to the basic law, the relevant provisions of the Conventionapplied to Hongkong before reunification continue to be effective, to be implemented through the laws of the Hongkong sar. The Hongkong convention is not a measure of political reform standard.

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Address:China Jiangsu Dingshu town Yixing City V East